Martin Freelance Photographer

Martin Freelance Photographer

Monday, February 28, 2011

iN tHis Video...

juRukamEra nya puLak iaLah si dEqwan......

~enJoy tHis Vide0 ya~
sTand!!! anD "cLick"....s0 menjadI Lha gambar ini..ehehehe...b0san...

Saturday, February 26, 2011


aha..nIe vIdeo akU ngaN kwN2 b4 muLa keLas kat koLej d0e..."giLa-giLa" pUnya owG..ahahaha...
tPi we aLL saNgat2 hePy taU....miss tHis m0ment...ehehe..keNangaN terIndah tok..berMacaM raGam maNusia...
iN thIs vide0...
*juRu kamRa pLak si DeqwaN.....
~mUka mcM giGoLo~

jaLan2 cAri kaNtau kaT bouLevarD....

aha....gmBr nie seLepas we aLL peNat2 jaLan caRi perFume.....
peNatt taU.......
seSi caNtik pkaI bJu keLabu tU maCh0 bJu hitaM nie pLak JESZ..daN si Cute bJu meRah tU "the 0wne" bLog nie..ehehehe...

Thursday, February 24, 2011

sh0otinG Time

hUrm....nIe gaMbar sya tIme naK hang oUt wiF my freN...
Uhuu...feeL so Hepy lar...
maKlumlaH kehIdupan Sbg stUdent agaK b0san di HujunG minggU..
so,hanG oUt Lah....tU pUn bIla baJet mencUkupi Lah yee...ahahahaha....

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

i come with my new story...
"sHisHa"..hehehe....toKlah first time akU trY shisHa..
kwn kU mdH ya Berganda lagi bahaya Dari mer0k0k..!!! then i ask mYseLf..betoL ke d0rang nie?? rokok xde perisa..shisha de perisa..xkan bahaya kot....hehehe...(kataku)...
tPi esoknya puLa..Leher aKu jdi sakit2 ckit...maybe kesannya kOt....
wHateverLah..yG peNting aKu dh cuBa sesUatu yG baru dLm hiduP aku...